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  • Processors :
Therese two company processors I n our country one is Intel and another is AMD ( advanced micro device). Only Intel make processors all over the world are think ed by most of people in Bangladesh. It is needed to know details about processor. Some points are given below
    Clock speed : 
CPU can calculate as much as in every second is called  clock speed.IT is calculated by “gigahertz” . For example :- 3.06 GHZ, 3.3 GHZ etc. Clock speed is high then working power is high.
    Cache :  
It is important for all processor. Cache is fixed with data memory L1,L2, L3,L6 are some kinds of cache .For example : 2MB, 4Mb etc. Processors will be powerful if cache is high for running more application or proggramme . Here CPU will not be slow.
   FSB ( front side bus speed ) :
 FSb means how much in speed it can transferred data to other  computer parts. For example, in Intel processor the performance is 667 MHZ to 1333 MHZ \1.333GHZ.Another side AMD processor's FSB is  more than Intel. Their FSb is 4000MHZ in second: CPU can be worked better if its FSB is more.

   H.T :

AMD processor has a technology .It’s called ‘Hyper transport.’This technology give a processor’s core  to work like two core performed processor. Intel has also this technology: is called ’Hyper Threading’ H.T. supported processors are more powerful than equal processors.

For INTEL their has not good graphics  performance processor.But AMD has power ful  “ATI RADEON” graphics  tecgnology .INTEL ‘sandy bridge’ has AVX(advanced vector extension) This technology is very help ful for picture ,HDMI VIDIO and AUDIO, hardcore GAMES, professional multimidia workers.
Socket /iterface : Iterface or Socket the ways of connect proccesors with mainboard.
For AMD proccesors-‘Athlon’, ‘Athlon64’, and ‘Phenom’ series proccesor are supported socket is ‘AM’ and ‘Athlon2’, ‘ Phenom2’ and ‘Seporn’ series proccesors are supported socket is ‘AM3”
For Intel proccesors-
v  Celeron, Pentium,Pentium (D), Pentium  ®, Pentium Duel Core, Core 2 Duo,Core 2 Quard, are supported ‘LGA775’/ socketT’.
v  Core I3 support LGA1066, LGA1156 etc sockets.
v  Core i5 support  LGA 1156,LGA 1366 etc sockets.
v  Core i7 support  LGA 1156,LGA 1366 etc sockets
I Bangladesh theres a lot of LGA  1156 performed mainboard in computer market.
   Core : At present in computer market there are single core and multicore proccesors.
Two or more core performed proccesor are called multicore proccesor. Multicore proccesors competition programme is very speedy and supply balanced data access. As it’s result you can run more programme,application and software in a save item.
Overclocking and turbobeast : In future gaming processor may over clock.This over clocking occurred by turbo boeast technology. Some processors Were over clocked from company. These processor are called black Edition processor. These processor’s price is a bit high .

Model is feature of own processor which is written on processors packet.
 For example:

‘’AMD ATHOLON || x 2   265    2MB 3.3GHZ 4000MHZ   45NM   MULTICORE PROCESSOR’’                         it’s mean;-

MODEL:                                    ATHOLON ||x 2 265
CORE:                                       2 core/duel core
CLOCK SPEED:                      3.3 gigahertz
FSB:                                          4000megahertz/4.0gigahartz
Cache:                                      2.0 megabytes
Socket/Interface:                      AM3
Processor size:                        45nm
Power recommended:            65 watt

‘’INTEL CORE 2 DUE E82000   2.66GHZ   6MB L2 1333MHZ    LGA 775/T ‘’ 
It’s mean;-
MODEL:                                   Core 2Due E8200
CORE:                                      2 core/duel core
CLOCK SPEED:                     2.66 gigahertz
FSB:                                          1333megahertz/1.33gigahartz
Cache:                                      6.0 megabytes
Socket/Interface:                      LGA 775/T

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